


Integrated system presentation

       for the automation of complex terminal services

handling containers and cargo, warehouse operations, accounting.



Unified automation system for accounting of container and cargo handling, warehousing of cargo, accounting

Brief description of functionality:

The system of accounting for container and cargo handling is an electronic database for keeping records of any organization that provides terminal handling services for containers.

The main advantages of the system are full accounting of all services for handling containers at the terminal, automatic generation of invoices for services in the context of each container, flexible setting of prices for counterparties both for residents and non-residents; Availability of all reports necessary for specialized activities; Accounting system for warehousing of goods in a customs warehouse, using data collection terminals (TSD), the ability to conduct additional activities for Motor Transport services, integration of the system into a high-quality accounting configuration.

The system consists of 3 main blocks:​

Block 1 - Work at the terminal.

Block 2 - Accounting.

Block 3 - Warehouse accounting of the customs warehouse on the principle of cellular storage.

BLOCK 1 - Work at the terminal.

Main terminal.

The section contains documents on initial acceptance, delivery of containers to the terminal and delivery to the counterparty from the first terminal - pick-ups. Full information is entered for containers. The owner, coding (number, prefix) of the container, what transport arrived and the location of the container (site, row) are indicated. Thus, at any moment in time, you can see where, which container is, what were the movements along it and in what condition it is (loaded, empty).

For each movement of the container through the terminal (arrival, movement, dispatch), a corresponding document is entered.

The documents are interconnected with each other and duplicated information already entered earlier is automatically filled in the next document.

The reference book of containers displays extended information on containers and it is possible to print out full information on some of the containers - "Container card".

Arrival of the container at the main terminal.Arrival of the container at the main terminal.

Reference Containers.​

Container card.

Custom terminal.

The section contains documents for receiving containers at the customs terminal, all types of possible movements of containers associated with the customs terminal and sending containers to a counterparty.


Arrival of containers to the customs warehouse.​



When developing, all possible types of operations with containers were taken into account, namely:


  • Removal without return.
  • Customs warehouse.
  • Main terminal.
  • Unloading
  • Overload.
  • Removal for loading.
  • Loading.
  • Removal for unloading.
  • Loading onto the platform.
  • Self-pickup of cargo.
  • Cargo in storage without container
  • Partial removal of cargo

Moving a container from a customs warehouse.


Applications for import-export (for non-residents).​

The section contains documents for preliminary applications for the import-export of containers for non-residents, followed by automatic generation of a specialized invoice and verification of payment.

Application for export by road.


Application for dispatch by railway transport.


BLOCK 2 - Accounting.


The section contains specialized invoices for the issue of services to residents and non-residents for accounting for container handling. The advantages and essence of the system are that the invoice takes into account all documents for the entry and processing of containers at the main and customs terminals and automatically collects services for each container separately, determining the dates of container arrival, container departure from the terminals and internal movements; selects from the price list the price corresponding to this service (as of the date of container arrival) and forms a consolidated invoice collected by type of service. Invoices have a built-in mechanism for checking payment and prohibiting printing in case of a shortage of receipts.

It should be noted that the prices developed for this system separately for residents and separately for non-residents have flexible settings and can be configured for any services. Moreover, services, if necessary, have the opportunity to be distributed among the accounting accounts by type of activity (activities of the main terminal, customs warehouse, etc.).



Printed invoice form:

Internal document for the calculation of services for one of the containers:​

Price list of services with details for one of the services.​



Motor transport services.

The section contains documents for accounting for road transport services, including a specialized consignment note.

Consignment note:​


BLOCK 3 - Warehouse storage (bonded warehouse).​

The warehouse storage system consists of warehouse accounting documents in 1c, applications on data collection terminals (TSD) for collecting data directly in the warehouse, data exchange with the 1c program and warehouse reports in 1s.

The system allows you to take into account all services (“Services” tab in the documents) provided at each stage of cargo handling and automatically generate an invoice upon delivery of the cargo to the counterparty, taking into account the number of days of storage, cargo weight and price automatically selected from the customizable price list.

 Warehouse storage is designed on the principle of cellular storage and has a data exchange module with data collection terminals (TSD) through a specially developed application.

Warehouse bins are represented as numbers in a 4-digit format from 0001 to 9999.


Warehouse documents in 1s:​

Receipt of goods - designed to enter the arrival of goods to the warehouse. Contains basic information on the order (client, contract, cargo, quantity, weight, etc., the "General" tab).

Through the TSD, cells are introduced on which the goods are placed. It is possible to manually enter cells.

Receipt of goods.​



Movement of goods - intended for the movement of goods in the warehouse from one cell to another (if necessary). It contains all the basic information on the order (client, contract, cargo, quantity, weight, etc.) and the cells along which the movement is going. It is formed on the basis of the already entered document Goods receipt (quick formation) - all basic information is filled in automatically.

Through the TSD, cells are introduced from which the movement is made and into which the goods are placed. It is possible to manually enter cells.

Cargo unloading - designed for unloading cargo from the warehouse. Contains basic information on the order (client, contract, cargo, quantity, weight, etc.) and the cells from which the unloading is taking place. It is formed on the basis of the already entered document Goods receipt (quick formation) - all basic information is filled in automatically. Cells from which the unloading takes place are introduced through the TSD. It is possible to manually enter cells.

Warehouse inventory - designed to output information on warehouse inventory received from the TSD (correct, incorrect) into an Excel file.

Warehouse accounting application on TSD:​

The application consists of four sections: Placement, Moving, Unloading, and Inventory.

Each section of the application is interconnected with the corresponding 1c documents and between them there is a periodic exchange of data at the time of synchronization.

Accommodation - works with the documents "Receipt of goods", when you select this section, the application displays a list of documents "Receipt of goods" from 1c for the last 30 days. Documents that already have at least one cell movement (placed) are marked on the side with a bright vertical stripe; documents that do not have cell movements inside (not placed) are marked with a gray stripe.

For placement, you can open only a document that has not yet been placed (with a gray stripe), when you open a placed document (with a bright stripe), only the general list of document loads will be opened without the possibility of further editing.

When you open a document that has not yet been placed, a list of loads entered in this document opens, each of which can be selected for placement. After selecting the cargo, a dialog for entering the cell numbers will open. In this window, the warehouse worker scans the bin numbers as the cargo is placed. After placing one cargo, you can select the next cargo or load the entered data into 1s. The program will set the date of placement automatically by the current moment.

Moving and unloading work in a similar way to placement, with the only difference that when moving, the warehouse worker has the ability to both unload and load goods into the cells, and only unload during unloading. Also, during these operations, the TSD will automatically display the numbers of the cells in which the goods are located (in residuals) and the operations can be performed only with these cells. Unloading can be done both by pressing the corresponding cell on the screen, and by scanning the cell barcode.

When scanning a cell, in which, according to 1c, this cargo is absent, the TSD will issue a message about an erroneous cell selection and give information on the contents of the cell obtained from 1c.​

It is possible to load data into 1s both after each operation with documents, as well as a general synchronization operation in the main menu, the "Synchronization" button.

The data is loaded into the corresponding document in the "Movements in the warehouse" tab.

Synchronization of TSD with 1s carries out data exchange at the current moment. TSD from 1s receives information about all warehouse documents for the last 30 days and stock balances for the current date, and sends unloaded data to 1s (if any).

You can update data from 1c locally - in each current window by swiping your finger across the screen from top to bottom, but in this case, only the data of the current window and directly related to it will be updated.

Unloading cargo.​



  1.  Reporting.

Reporting is a block of reports for all main sections, a total of about 30 pieces.

The configuration contains all the necessary reports on the arrival, dispatch, handling of containers. In the context of customers, owners, types of containers. Railway platform report and official report for customs. The block of reports on foreign currency clients is highlighted separately. To track the movements and balances of goods in the customs warehouse, the reports "Warehouse monitoring" and "Remains in warehouse" have been developed.

Arrival of containers.​


Census of containers.​

Services for foreign exchange clients.​


Warehouse monitoring.​


System integration into Accounting.​

The KS Terminal solution is integrated into the standard Kashtan System configuration -

1c Accounting 8.3 and works in accordance with the relevant documents. In particular, all accounting invoices have the option of both separate manual generation and automatic generation from the terminal system.

It should be noted that a special processing has been developed for the system for uploading all specialized electronic invoices to the soliqservis.uz website.

Additionally, we will say that the program has been worked out in detail to facilitate and speed up the work of users, in particular, it has many auxiliary useful functions, such as accelerated full-text search and the formation of the necessary reports directly from documents, for example, reconciliation acts from invoices.

User work in the system.​

The whole system is structured by areas, "Main terminal", "Customs terminal and warehouse", "Accounting", "Commodity cash desk", "Auto transport", "Directorate and currency accounting", "Management", "Administration".

For each site, its own separate unique interface has been created and access rights to reports and documents have been allocated according to official duties.

Development technology: 1C 8.3

Organizations in which the program is implemented: "AZIA TRANS TERMINAL" LLC.