


Integrated automation of business processes of hotels, recreation centers, sanatoriums and boarding houses

HOTEL KS automation of business processes in hotels

We present you the configuration we have developed for hotels. This system allows you to manage promptly hotel occupancy and finances of your business. Let's look at each section of the system in detail.


Desktop is the first that you see starting to work in the system. You can perform the following operations there:

  • Booking of a client
  • Checking in a client
  • Accepting payments and checking out a client
  • Viewing the list of arrivals and departures
  • Quick customer search
  • List of debtors

Notice how easy it is to work with clients. It's enough to choose the room and to check in or check out a client with just one click. You can easily see information about each client in all occupied rooms

Customer management:

You can manage customer flow from the desktop or from the separate section. Let's look at documents you can create for customers.

You can check in a client under booking or without it. You can also note if a client has a package tour and set the terms of payment.

If a client has booked a room, but later decided not to stay, the system can save client’s failure cause for further analysis.

Financial management

You can trace cash flow in the system by means of the following three documents:

  1. Cash inflow
  2. Cash outflow
  3. Cash collection

All documents necessarily store form of payment: “Cash”, “Transfer” and “Plastic card”.

The document “Cash inflow” allows you to choose a cash flow item.

In the document “Cash outflow” you can view the information in a list format on where and how much money was spent.

Marketing section:

In the marketing section you can establish prices for rooms and package tours and keep lists of activities (e.g., production, tourism, pharmaceutics, etc.), sources of primary interest (banners, advertising in newspapers, advertising on TV, etc.) and customer segments (pensioners, students, employees, etc.). Information placed in this section is used later in other sections of the system.

Prices for rooms are set as a list indicating room type, length of stay in days and new price.

When setting prices for rooms, it is also possible to select already existing prices and make an extra charge. The system will automatically recalculate the prices taking into account the extra charge.


The system provides several built-in reports, and can be easily modified at the request of the customer. Let's look at some of the reports.

In “Income Report by countries and regions” you can see customers from which countries used your services and how the payment was made. This report, like many others in the system, allows you to view information for the period you are interested in, as well as to display selections for each field of the report.

“Summary report for the period” allows you to obtain most of the data entered into the system, such as:

  • Client’s check-in date
  • Client’s full name
  • Client’s legal person
  • Room type
  • Length of stay (number of days and dates “from” and “to”)
  • Price, discount and amount without/with a discount.

Tasks of employees

The system contains a built-in organizer, which is designed to simplify the tracking of tasks performance by employees. Just enter a task, put a deadline and inspectors and monitor tasks performance by your employees.

You can also indicate the importance and subject of a task.


The system contains an administration panel that allows you to manage system settings from a single location. Here you can select backup parameters of the system database to ensure the safety of your data in case of emergency.