BPM system for integrated automation of management accounting
and business processes in printeries
The system consists of the following subsystems:
1 – "Reception" 2 – "Orders accounting" 3 – "Production" 4 – "Warehouse" 5 – "Finance" 6 – "Organizer"
Subsystem “Reception” includes Customer Relationship Management:
Document “Request”. Incoming and outgoing call records, creation of meetings, identification of participants and meeting goals, meeting results management. Based on this document, the documents “Preliminary calculation” and “Task” are created automatically for assigning user tasks. The system takes into account the complete information on customers (organization, contracts, ITN, settlement accounts, telephones, contact persons, addresses, etc.).
Subsystem “Orders accounting”.
The section is intended for preliminary evaluation of costs of orders, for calculation of consumables taking into account available balance in the warehouse and business offer creation.
1. Document “Preliminary calculation” contains the tabs:
- “Materials”: calculating prime cost of consumables. The system reflects the available stock balance and calculates deficiency for purchase in prices for cash and non-cash payment. What is taken into account for each nomenclature position: costs of materials or services, wage of workers, agent’s commission of managers, transportation charges, cost of contract work and expected gain as a percentage. Calculations are made in automatic mode.
- “Additional charges” contains set of calculated amounts for items. Percentages of additional charges are included in the system reference data.
- In the tab “Products” you can see the final calculation of all costs for an order. On the basis of the document, the documents “Business offer”, “Invoice-Order” and “Task” are automatically generated.
2. Document “Business offer” is created according to preliminary calculations and without them. Printed form of the document is saved to a planned folder on the server disk in MS Word format in automatic mode.
3. Document “Invoice-Order” is created automatically on the basis of the business offer. It takes into account payments both in cash and through the bank, partial prepayment system is also available. Printed forms of the document are saved to a planned folder on the server disk in MS Word format in automatic mode. Contracts can use both internal and external numbering. The system monitors uniqueness of numbers in contracts in the context of firm accounting. The document can automatically check current payment under a contract. Order fulfillment time and CRM-status are also taken into account (“new order”, “in processing”, “in production”, “completed”).
4. Document “Selling”. The system provides for shipment of finished products, both according to the document “Invoice-Order” and the document “Selling” if finished products are manufactured by the enterprise for sale.
5. Document “Pricing”. Prices are set for finished products, taking into account volume of an order (from… to…).
Subsystem “Production”
Consumption of materials for production can be based on specifications.
1. Document “Order for production” is formed both on the basis of the “Invoice-order” and autonomously. It takes into account production time for an order, manufacturing performance indicators, sorting of consumables and CRM-status.
Subsystem “Warehouse”. An inventory is maintained in the context of warehouses, consignments and organizations of the enterprise. Nomenclature items contain both base names and full names for printing.
1. Document “Materials delivery”. Goods incoming to a warehouse are recorded taking into account suppliers, contracts and payment methods.
2. Document “Internal displacement”. Moving from warehouse to warehouse taking into account prices.
3. Document “Write-off of materials”. Disposal of inventories taking into account prices out of orders or based on results of inventory.
4. Document “Request”. Issue of materials for production taking into account prices.
5. Report “Inventory Report” reflects movement in the context of warehouses taking into account consignments.
Subsystem “Finance”. Cash flow. The section contains reference materials, documents and reports reflecting cash flow. There are such payment methods as cash, terminal and transfer.
1. Cash receipt voucher 2. Cash payment voucher 3. Bank statement
4. Other income-expenditure. There is a possibility to monitor expenditures for own needs which are not related to the main activity. Capital items are also used.
3. Paying salary. The document takes into account the daily data on expenses on salaries including money receipt stamp in automatic mode.
The subsystem also has the following reports: “Cash flow report”, “Collecting payment from a client”, “Cash flow in/out”.
Subsystem “Organizer”. Record and control of user tasks.
1. Document “Task”. The document is created on the basis of any document of the system in the automatic mode and automates workflow of the enterprise, allows to reduce time for the execution of business processes of the enterprise, control the efficiency and discipline of employees of the enterprise.
Connecting users to the system
The software is designed in a single module. By using the technologies of the 1C 8.3 platform in the managed application mode, it is possible to connect users to the database both within local network and directly online. This technology allows you to work with the system in remote areas, regardless of the geographic location of the central database store.
Software technology: Platform 1C 8.3 Managed application (thin client)